Old Salihiya is a well established company that serves people across the East Africa community, with Nairobi-Kenya as the main hub.
Welcome to
Unlock your business potential with the power of our flawless delivery. We have 2X weekly cargo flights from China to Kenya.
Air transport organization and industry driving coordinations experience
Ocean freight gives organization and industry excellent experience
Road transport and industry driving coordinations experience
Your freight forwarder is an IATA and AEO-Full authorised agent, and has bonded warehouses located at major airports. Our staff is trained and certified in DGR
Benefit from a complete solution that meets all your needs (company, routes, tariffs) and negotiated rates from airline carriers based on our large purchase volume.
As the oldest player in the logistics industry in Kenya, and regional specialized networks, we take care of or deliver your merchandise from all over the world to East and Central Africa.
As your shipping agent, we will personally monitor your shipments
We will pass on our monitoring charts and Key Performance Indicators so you can optimize your rotation and stock.
We partner with huge insurance companies to ensure your goods are shipped and delivered as received
Are you stuck and do not know how to ship from China
General Waruinge Street,
Meru Road, Eastleigh- Nairobi
+254 727 110091
+254 721 230472
+254 719 165551
Room805-2/8F,yueyang Building.Xiaobei Yuexiu District,Guangzhou China
Worldwide Logistics (Friends Logistics) Shop No.02 / 186,
Narshi Natha Street,Bhatbazar.
Masjid Bunder . (W) Mumbai-400 009 (Near New Patel Restaurant),
Mob.9820054911/ 9820159914
Unit 5, Johnsons Ind Est,
Silverdale Road,
Hayes, Middlesex, UB3 3BA
United Kingdom
Mob: +44 7823 349633
Mob: +44 7958 809605